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Welcome Job Explorers

We all know that looking out for a job is not a piece of cake, its time consuming and is one of the biggest testing times we go through in life. This is a small guidance which we offer the people who are currently looking for jobs in and around Dubai.



Dr Judy Thomas is a business coach who works with different companies to improve their functional areas and develops the team to have sustainable growth. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people have lost their jobs and are desperately in search of one. We are not a recruiting agency or a hiring department, we spare some of our time from our schedule to gather job opportunities from our business circle and share them with those who are looking for a job. 


A job is a lifeline for a person, not just that person, their families too are dependent on it. We have personally seen people struggling during these periods and this is our corporate social responsibility towards the community.


  • Join our Jobseekers Whatsapp group where we will be posting regular job updates and personal development contents. 

  • Upload your resume to the link below and we could take a look at them and share them with possible employers in UAE.

  • Follow us on LinkedIn and be up to date with the market.

  • If you are an employer who has a vacancy in your company, do send us the job details and we will share them with the group.


Join Our Job Seekers Community

As our corporate social responsibility, we maintain a job search group on WhatsApp and Telegram. We will be posting authentic employment opportunities in the UAE and eligible candidates can directly apply to the respective companies.


Register Your Resume with us for free

We are well connected with various business management & organizations in and around the United Arab Emirates. We will circulate your resumes with potential recruiters for free which will give you an added advantage to be seen among the ocean of other job seekers 



Connect With Us

LinkedIn is a professional social network for job seekers, professionals, and businesses. Let us get connected via LinkedIn to be updated with the current market scenarios and opportunities. 



are you A eMPLOYER ?

Send us your job descriptions and the job details below and we will be posting them directly to the groups.

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